<![CDATA[Southeast Guitar Repair - \"Shop Talk\" Blog]]>Sat, 18 Jan 2025 11:36:51 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[TV Sitcom coming soon....]]>Tue, 20 Jun 2017 21:58:09 GMThttp://www.southeastguitarrepair.com/shop-talk-blog/tv-sitcom-coming-soonIf you are a fan of comedy & guitars we have a treat for you. We are in the works with filming a new project. Currently filming episode 1 and we cannot wait for the world to see it. Wish we had a timeline but unfortunately we do not yet. If you are interested in following our journey to bring this show to life, follow our page on Facebook- SHOP TALK COMEDY or instagram- @shoptalkcomedy.]]><![CDATA[Good, Fast & Cheap]]>Wed, 06 Jul 2016 17:54:02 GMThttp://www.southeastguitarrepair.com/shop-talk-blog/good-fast-cheapYou can't get all of them. At least not at Southeast Guitar Repair.

If you want GOOD and FAST, it will not be CHEAP

If you want GOOD and CHEAP it won't be as FAST

If you want FAST and CHEAP it won't be as good as it could be.

We work at a pace that is our own. We do not & will not rush our repairs. Our name is stamped on every repair that goes out the door. One rushed repair just isn't worth us risking our good name. We upset potential customers because we are not fast enough for them. We work on first come first serve basis. However we have a rush fee and we will sometimes offer to people if our workload will allow us. That rush fee puts your repair on the bench right away but only if the tech wants to stay late that evening and it is worked out with the customer who is currently in line. We do get an occasional bad review on our turnaround time. And that is Ok. I would much rather have a potential customer leave a bad review that we had his guitar a few days & he just could not wait any longer over someone leave us a review on the quality of our work. In our nearly 2 decades of business, Mike Marshall always said you can fire any customer that you do not want to work with. In nearly 20 years we only have added 6 names to our Blacklist. If we refuse to work with you, you have plenty of other options around town. We have awesome, amazing, patient, kind, talented customers that respect the way we do business and we will always put their instrument & the quality of our work above everything else.
<![CDATA[SEGR is now on Instagram!]]>Fri, 30 Oct 2015 00:28:09 GMThttp://www.southeastguitarrepair.com/shop-talk-blog/segr-is-now-on-instagramIf you want to see cool photos of the guitars we work on & different projects going on in the shop, look us up on Instagram. Search SoutheastGuitarRepair and add a follow request. We are still active on Facebook, but with Instagram we get to show a lot more photos much easier. We'll see you there...]]><![CDATA[Player Beware]]>Thu, 22 Jan 2015 13:00:23 GMThttp://www.southeastguitarrepair.com/shop-talk-blog/player-bewareWe recently had a customer bring in an acoustic guitar that was having some issues cutting in & out when plugged into the amp. It was in for a very minor "Check Electronics" We usually charge $35 to diagnose an electronics issue & 95% of the time that inspection fee includes us repairing the issue. So a fairly inexpensive repair. Upon our inspection we noticed the under saddle pickup was pretty wrecked! We managed to "band aid" the system until she can buy a new one. She let us know she had just taken the guitar in recently to a local tech for a setup & bone saddle. Unfortunately a drop in pre-cut graphite saddle was what she received & whomever did the work demolished the under saddle pickup system. So here we have a customer not getting what they asked for and now having to pay another $150 plus for a new pickup system plus the installation labor, all because someone did not use care & finesse when working around those electric components . So think about why even small repairs need to be performed by a professional that guarantees their work. ]]><![CDATA[Upgrading your guitar nut to bone... Bone=Tone]]>Thu, 15 Jan 2015 22:21:32 GMThttp://www.southeastguitarrepair.com/shop-talk-blog/upgrading-plastic-nuts-to-bone-bonetoneSo many guitars are sent from the manufacturers with plastic or corian nuts & saddles. Do you know what corian is? Its just countertop material. Did you know that "Tusq" is not anything more than a plastic too? That factory material chokes the tone of the instrument & you don't get as much sustain from the open strings.

To get the full tone potential from a guitar we recommend removing that material and upgrading it to bone. We start with a bleached cow bone blank and hand carve it specifically for your instrument. This organic material produces a rich top notch sound. 

If you are noticing some string buzz, fretting out & tuning issues, you could be in need of a new nut. The next time you upgrade, make sure you get real cow bone & you will notice a world of difference.

Check out this video of a before & after on a full bone job we recently did. This Martin owner brought his guitar in for a setup, he mentioned he played lead & when we played it we noticed the sound just wasn't as good as it could be. Swapping out the synthetic nut & saddle to bone made a huge difference. 
<![CDATA[Did you get a new guitar for Christmas?]]>Mon, 29 Dec 2014 15:09:08 GMThttp://www.southeastguitarrepair.com/shop-talk-blog/did-you-get-a-new-guitar-for-christmasIf you were one of the lucky ones who opened up an extra large present containing a brand new toy, I envy you, I got socks. No, just kidding I did get really cool gifts, but my dream guitar wasn't under the tree this year. But in all seriousness, if you received a new guitar, now is the best time to get it in the shop for a real professional setup on it. We can get it playing just the way it was intended to. And part of our setup is going over it head to toe to make sure there are no manufacturing defects present. And since Southeast Guitar Repair is a Warranty Service center for most guitar makers, you only have to pay once for your setup. I will share a horror story that happens over & over again... Lets use Fender for example. You get a new Fender Tele for Christmas, take it to your local music store, have a store clerk do a "setup". Then you take it home & still notice some buzzing. You call Fender & they tell you to bring it to a service center. You bring it to us. Unfortunately we didn't do that setup & its not properly setup and before we can establish that there is a factory flaw, we must set it up properly. So you end up paying twice for your setup, before Fender will cover that warranty fret dress to fix those uneven frets. And to top it off instead of being without it only 2 days, now you have been without it 2 weeks!  So save yourself the headache and save some time & money & just bring it to the pros from the start. Remember, the best time for a setup is brand new, before months go by and suddenly you are out of warranty and notice an issue. Hope everyone had a great Christmas. We enjoyed the time home with our families, but today we are back at it...]]>