If you want GOOD and FAST, it will not be CHEAP
If you want GOOD and CHEAP it won't be as FAST
If you want FAST and CHEAP it won't be as good as it could be.
We work at a pace that is our own. We do not & will not rush our repairs. Our name is stamped on every repair that goes out the door. One rushed repair just isn't worth us risking our good name. We upset potential customers because we are not fast enough for them. We work on first come first serve basis. However we have a rush fee and we will sometimes offer to people if our workload will allow us. That rush fee puts your repair on the bench right away but only if the tech wants to stay late that evening and it is worked out with the customer who is currently in line. We do get an occasional bad review on our turnaround time. And that is Ok. I would much rather have a potential customer leave a bad review that we had his guitar a few days & he just could not wait any longer over someone leave us a review on the quality of our work. In our nearly 2 decades of business, Mike Marshall always said you can fire any customer that you do not want to work with. In nearly 20 years we only have added 6 names to our Blacklist. If we refuse to work with you, you have plenty of other options around town. We have awesome, amazing, patient, kind, talented customers that respect the way we do business and we will always put their instrument & the quality of our work above everything else.